Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I read an interesting article on the value of play. This article was in a woman's magazine and not a professional journal. The National Institute For Play has collected research on play from the fields of neurophysiology, psychology, and molecular biology. These studies that reveal that play is so much more than fun and games. the impulse to let loose arises from deep within the brainstem, in the same primitive area of the brain that controls basic survival functions (breathing). For this reason and because people in ALL cultures engage in play- researchers believe that play is a fundamental need, crucial to healthy adulthood. So... the next time a parent says to you "it looks like all you do is play with my child" you can quote this study!
Get out there and play and have FUN!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Autism Walk & Fun Day, May 8, 2010

May 8 is the date for the annual Autism Walk. It is from 9am-1pm. Go to the the website for the Autism Society of Greater Orlando for more information.
Christine OT

Sensory Processing Disorder

Do you think your child has a sensory processing disorder or has your child already been diagnosed? When searching the web look for reputable sights. A good resource is the the Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation at

Christine OT

Equipment Resources

Here are some GREAT resources for fine motor, visual perceptual and sensory toys/equipment! and Take a look!
Christine OT

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Theaters to show sensory-friendly movies for kids

AMC theaters is teeming up with the Autism Society each month to bring families of autistic children a special opportunity to see movies in a safe and accepting environment. During these sensory friendly films, the movie theater lights are brought up and the sound is turned down. Families can bring in their own glutten-free snacks. There are no previews or ads shown before the movie. In addition, the audience members are welcome to get up and dance, walk, shout or sing.

Go to to find a list and map of participating theaters.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

now we can share information

Here is a new place on the website where we can share information we receive at courses, conferences and inservices. Please share with everyone any new and exciting treatment ideas, research or maybe just a funny story.